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Real estate management
Complex property management
Our company has been managing the housing stock for more than 20 years, with the most recent years bringing fundamental changes in housing and housing. We administer the report to the extent agreed in the mandate contract.
Area operational - administrative
- Ensuring the supply of media and service activities contracted by authorized companies
- necessary for the smooth operation of the house, especially water, el. energy, garbage collection
- provision of 24/7 emergency service
- Provision of operational revisions of equipment according to relevant ČSN
- contracting for the deduction of heat, hot and cold water meters
Area Maintenance and Property corrections
- to perform corrections and adjustments in public service negotiations with suppliers on behalf of the principal in the scope of performance
Area Economic - organizational
- keep a complete record of payment regulations, update it monthly
- to determine and prescribe individual items of monthly payment, ie a regulation in
- accordance with generally binding regulations and according to the mandator’s instructions
- make billing of all services to individual owners and tenants according to valid
- regulations. Send them the bill for the past accounting period against the invoices paid
- keep and record payments via postal orders credited to the account of the client
- keep records of costs and income
- Ensuring contractual recovery of arrears within the mandate requirements
- securing contract accounting and tax advice
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