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Operational - Technical Area

  • Contractual cleaning and maintenance of common areas of the building, cleaning and maintenance of adjacent pavements, courtyards and other outdoor areas. Special regime of cleaning in winter months, clearing ice and snow, ensuring the feasibility of adjacent sidewalks
  • Contractual maintenance of green areas (gardening works)
  • Contractual securing of lawn mowing
  • Contractual provision of non-stop emergency service
  • Contractual revision of reserved technical equipment according to relevant ČSN and other valid technical and legal regulations, monitoring of revision period and other technical deadlines. Special mode for consumption meters in individual units (heat, MW and TV).
  • Technical inspection of buildings, providing expert assessment of their condition
  • Maintenance of defect, revision and maintenance books
  • Securing and removing minor object repairs
  • Monitoring and registration of technical documentation of the building, residential and non-residential units and its updating in connection with the realized repairs, modifications or discovered facts
  • Assessment of owners’ intentions in the area of ​​house reconstruction, residential and non-residential units (minor repairs without notification to the building authority, actions in the framework of the notification of building modifications and the building permit regime)
  • Conducting periodic real estate appraisal, formulation of maintenance, repair, or investment concepts. Preparation of short-term and medium-term repair plans, including expert estimates of financial costs
  • Contractual provision of services and energy supplies (electricity, gas, heat, hot water, waste disposal, elevator operation, STA, etc.)
  • Contracts for periodic maintenance of common parts of the house
  • Handling complaints and suggestions from individual community members (tenants) and informing the community (owner) authorities of these complaints and suggestions
  • Ensuring preparation, supervision over the course of work, handover and acceptance of individual repairs and reconstructions carried out by individual suppliers.
  • Ensuring the performance of meter readings
  • Archiving of all property documentation for the duration of administration
  • Marking the property with information about the administrator and contacting the emergency service

With the privatization of the housing stock, we offer our services to both the owners of the sale and the emerging entities – owners and cooperatives. Our company offers cooperation and consultation in the preparation of the Community statutes, the agenda of the meeting, the future functioning of the Community, expert interpretation on the issue of Act No. 72/1994 Coll. as amended by amendment 103/2000 Coll. These consultations are not only legal, but also professional – from the perspective of a long-term home manager.

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